One day, when I was searching for e-learning in the net I found an article about e-learning developments and experiences. This article has described a framework for developing the capacity to deliver e-learning courses as follows:
1. Teaching/ learning context:
For any e-learning initiative to be successful, a number of support mechanisms must have been developed. The most sophisticated learning design will not help students to learn if the technology does not work, if faculty is overloaded and cannot or do not know how to provide support to students, if the students have a negative experience of working in groups, or the students do not value the opportunity to participate in qualitatively different learning experiences.
2. Teacher thinking:
The teachers have to reflect on their views of learning and the ways in which those views impact on the planning of learning, and the use of particular teaching strategies. It is only through increased understanding of how students learn that high quality e-learning opportunities are made possible.
3. Teacher planning:
In the planning the teacher has to analyze the learners and their characteristics. Also, he/she has to plan for information technology that can be used in e-learning and they must be suitable and accessible. Moreover, he/she has to plan for the teaching strategies, the kinds of learning needed, and the kinds of assessment activities.
4. Teacher strategies:
This means the strategies that the teacher might use to deliver learning to learners. Some of these strategies are presentation of a collection of multiple media; presentation of a collection of information, case studies, simulation, tutorial/module, and problem based learning, hypertext, self-assessment and individualized instruction.
The combination of these factors will enhance the student experience of e-learning, improve quality of learning; improve productivity of learning; improve access to learning; improve student attitudes to learning and ultimately enable the institution to realize its particular vision for e-learning.