Sunday, March 30, 2008


As we know that nowadays, a new type of learning has appeared to the world which is e-learning. Constructivist approach is applied to this type of learning where the learner has to build his/her own knowledge. So, it is a learner-centered approach rather than a teacher-centered. As a result of this, the role of the instructor does not remain the same as it is in the face to face teaching. We can say that the role of the instructor has been shifted from "the sage on the stage" to "the guide on the side".
I found a research paper about The Role of the Instructor in Online Learning for Educators in this site which describes the role of the e-instructor as multidimensional since he/she plays the role of a planner, a role model, a coach, a facilitator and, above all, a communicator.
Here is some explanation about each role:

1. Planner:
The e-instructor has to plan for the course, set the goals and expectations as well as to provide a timely help throughout the duration of the course.

2. Model:
The e-learners consider the e-instructor as a leader in modeling online behavior so the e-instructor has to provide day to day leadership, clear directions, and organizational structure. If the leader sets the example of responding to postings and being timely with other correspondences, it will motivate the students to do so.

3. Coach:
As a coach, the instructor should, “challenge people who are bound by a common purpose to think differently, try out new methodologies and initiatives”. He/she should “motivate students to take initiative and responsibility for their learning”. The instructor must “foster an environment that keeps discussion going and weaves discussion threads” at the same time he/she “provides support and catch up time to those who are struggling, which includes checking on quiet students”. He/She must be aware of differences, and “bring out diversity, not only of community, but of individuals.”

4. Facilitator:
The e-instructor has to facilitate student success and develop online participation. He/she must also operate democratically, and “give everyone an opportunity to express opinion, respect opinion and ideas, identify need and keep lines of communication open“. He/she has to “not dominate, and keep it simple. Ask leading, open-ended questions that beg thoughtful responses and foster interaction.”

5. Communicator:
Here the e-instructor has to communicate effectively with the e-learners by responding to their queries and giving them feedback.

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