Monday, May 4, 2009

Evaluation for the DfES Video Conferencing in the Classroom Project

This study is an evaluation study for a videoconferencing project.

Evaluation framework:
The evaluation investigated three main levels of activity:

Institutional level:
• The purchase, deployment and management of video conferencing resources.
• The place of video conferencing within overall ICT development planning and policy.

Subject level:
• The nature and quality of teaching.
• The nature and quality of learning.
• Teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil relationships.

Individual level:
• The perceptions of individual teachers and learners on the relationship between video conferencing and academic attainment.
• The perceptions of individual teachers of the strengths, weaknesses and implications of the use of video conferencing in different contexts.
• The perceptions of pupils of the impact of using video conferencing in formal learning situations on their understanding and engagement with learning.
• Where relevant, the perceptions of pupils of the impact of using video conferencing in informal (e.g., ‘off-/non-task’) interactions on their understanding and engagement with learning.

1. Interview with personnel.
2. Interview with students.
3. Case Study.
4. Observation.


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